I have been facing the below issues each time I try taking-off and land in offboard mode. I find the below issue. Note: I’m using vision based (mocap) as replacement for GPS.
Below is the error seen from log:
[ INFO] [1455208295.332556282]: HP: requesting home position
[ INFO] [1455208295.992272691]: FCU: ARMED by Arm/Disarm component command
[ INFO] [1455208296.033344931]: FCU: [logger] file: /fs/microsd/log/2016-02-11/16_31_3
[ WARN] [1455208299.710266265]: CMD: Unexpected command 176, result 0
[ INFO] [1455208300.045020408]: FCU: Takeoff detected
[ERROR] [1455208303.992145377]: FCU: Critical navigation failure! Check sensor calibra
[ INFO] [1455208305.333272044]: HP: requesting home position
@Jaeyoung-Lim, any idea on the above seen issue. It’s bit pretty confusing why navigation fails after takeoff any specific reason to it. Appreciate you help.
Did you solve this issue?
I have the same issue, though im in sitl and using fake_gps plugin.
any help is greatly appreciated.
(by the way, i noticed the model I use in simulation makes a difference it seems, iris spews errors concerning ekf, or sensors needing to be recalibrated, and at each execution, range of errors could change. while using typhoon_h480 model, i see no errors)
Here are two screencast when running the same exact code, with two different models namely iris and typhoon_h480, see iris on each reset, goes haywire! while typhoon_h480 always does the same routine! signifying something is not right with some models imho.
I’m not sure but I guess that all the setting should be set not to use GPS when mocap is used instead of GPS. Disconnect GPS cable for sureness. Although EKF setting was set not to use GPS some codes check the GPS readiness as a kind of bug.