Problem taking off

Hi guys I am having the problems that the thrust will always be 0 in for instance the vehicle_rates_setpoint, I can not seem to understand what I did wrong, for lpe it worked correctly but when switching to ekf2 it will not work for some reason.

I am using firmware version 1.9 and a custom airframe loading the 4001.

My startupscript is:
uorb start
param set SYS_AUTOSTART 4001
param set MAV_BROADCAST 1
param set MAV_TYPE 2
param set BAT_CNT_V_VOLT 0.001
param set BAT_V_DIV 10.9176300578
param set BAT_CNT_V_CURR 0.001
param set BAT_A_PER_V 15.391030303
param set BAT_CAPACITY 4000
param set BAT_N_CELLS 4
param set COM_RC_IN_MODE 1
param set CBRK_GPSFAIL 240024
param set MIS_TAKEOFF_ALT 0.5
param set SENS_BARO_QNH 1020.2
param set SYS_MC_EST_GROUP 2dataman starttopic_baro start
topic_bmi088 start
topic_bmm150 start
topic_battery_fake start
gps start -f
sensors startcommander start
navigator start
ekf2 start
land_detector start multicopter
mc_pos_control start
mc_att_control startmavlink start -x -u 14556 -r 1000000
mavlink stream -u 14556 -s HIGHRES_IMU -r 50
mavlink stream -u 14556 -s ATTITUDE -r 50
linux_pwm_out start
mavlink boot_complete

When I tap on the board for a couple of times it will takeoff for some reason.

Okay the takeoff is due to the failsafe triggering return to home otherwise it will never generate any thrust

Still having this problem

Still having this problem, bump.