Pack complet contrôleur Pixhawk mini

I went ahead and bought a Pixhawk mini Controller Complete Pack for my Little Six.
Seems good value for money to me.
The installation on the multicopter went well, the software installation and the update as well.
I do not understand how the safety switch button works? I’ve read that it can be disabled but couldn’t find where, could you show me how to do this. I’m sure my starting problems are from there. It flashes red twice and starts over …
Thanks in advance.

Have you tried this parameter?

Hello Julien,
Thank you for your reply but this setting does not disable the safety switch.
I managed to test my engines in the “engine test” mode, everything is fine.
But I cannot calibrate my motors in “power” mode and I cannot start the multirotor.
Is there a starting safety (stick in the angles for example)
I thank you in advance.