Order of arguments of px4_task_spawn_cmd


I have a question about the order of arguments in the function px4_task_spawn_cmd. In ./src/platforms/px4_tasks.h:110, the function is defined like this:

__EXPORT px4_task_t px4_task_spawn_cmd(const char *name,
    int priority,
    int scheduler,
    int stack_size,
    px4_main_t entry,
    char *const argv[]);

However, when I look in ./src/modules/mc_att_control_mc_att_control_main.cpp:1004, and several other modules, the function is called like this:

_control_task = px4_task_spawn_cmd("mc_att_control",

In this implementation, it looks like the scheduler is the second argument, and the priority is the third, while in the declaration in ./src/platforms/px4_tasks.h, they are switched.

In the definition of px4_task_spawn_cmd in ./src/platforms/nuttx/px4_layer/px4_nuttx_tasks.c:81, the scheduler is the second argument, and the priority the third. This is also the case in the posix and qurt equivalents. Am I right to think the declaration in ./src/platforms/px4_tasks.h is wrong?