Help with effectiveness matrix

i’m experimenting with a drone suspended from a rope. it has 4 props producing thrust only horizontally, where my goal is to make it hold yaw angle and later on - hold position. the props (arranged in the standard 1,2,3,4 order) are directed to provide thrust in the following directions:
motor 1: thrust forward left ( 1,-1)
motor 2: thrust backward right (-1, 1)
motor 3: thrust forward right (1, 1)
motor 4: thrust backward left (-1, -1)
I set these direction in the QGC actuators advanced config menu.

when i run the mc_rate_control in manual mode and arm (yaw stick at center) i don’t get any motor moving - as if yaw rate is not functioning.
checking the logs I can see that the correct rc-setpoints are published, also torque setpoint makes sense, but actuator_sp are zero.

this is the allocator_control status output.

INFO [control_allocator] Running
INFO [control_allocator] Method: Auto
INFO [control_allocator] Effectiveness Source: Multirotor
INFO [control_allocator] Effectiveness.T =
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
0| 0.22981 -0.22981 -9.19239 4.59619 -4.59619 0
1|-0.22981 0.22981 -9.19239 -4.59619 4.59619 0
2| 0.22981 0.22981 9.19239 4.59619 4.59619 0
3|-0.22981 -0.22981 9.19239 -4.59619 -4.59619 0

Does it make sense?

P.S, I created a simple standalone program that implements a simple proportional control of yaw and directly controls the motors (pub to motors_sp) and it works fine.