Caliberation loss after reboot

Once I disconnect the battery again , the caliberation data is lost. So I did the caliberation and saved the parameter files. After that I disconnect/connect the battery again, it lost the accel and gyro caliberation again, so I saved the parameter files again from QgrounCtrl.

I did the diff command between two parameter files and I got the following data

diff aftercaliberation.params AfterCaliberationAnotherLoss.params
< 1 1 CAL_ACC0_ID 1246218 6
< 1 1 CAL_ACC1_ID 1114634 6

1 1 CAL_ACC0_ID 0 6
1 1 CAL_ACC1_ID 0 6
< 1 1 CAL_GYRO0_ID 2163722 6
< 1 1 CAL_GYRO1_ID 2228490 6
< 1 1 CAL_GYRO1_XOFF 0.000804828479886055 9

1 1 CAL_GYRO0_ID 0 6
1 1 CAL_GYRO1_ID 0 6
1 1 CAL_GYRO1_XOFF 0.001332331448793411 9
< 1 1 CAL_GYRO1_YOFF 0.045967467129230499 9

1 1 CAL_GYRO1_YOFF 0.051652405411005020 9
< 1 1 CAL_GYRO1_ZOFF -0.017645699903368950 9

1 1 CAL_GYRO1_ZOFF -0.017165806144475937 9
< 1 1 CAL_GYRO_PRIME 2228490 6

1 1 CAL_GYRO_PRIME 2163722 6