Avian Inspired Body Rate Controller

Hey everyone, this is my first post and I need help with integrating a new vehicle with it’s control into PX4 pipeline. I have followed the Helicopter commit to create a new vehicle based on the FixedWing vehicle.

My problem is : I am trying to create an avian inspired drone so the wings can morph as well as the tail which change dynamically the effectiveness matrix. What I am trying to do is assuming a simple flat plate model where I have my functions that compute the thrust and torques and I replaced the function “addActuators” by a new sequence of functions that compute specific thrust & torque and add them to the effectiveness matrix using :

effectiveness_matrices[selected_matrix](ControlAllocation::ControlAxis::ROLL, actuator_idx) = torque(0);
effectiveness_matrices[selected_matrix](ControlAllocation::ControlAxis::PITCH, actuator_idx) = torque(1);
effectiveness_matrices[selected_matrix](ControlAllocation::ControlAxis::YAW, actuator_idx) = torque(2);
effectiveness_matrices[selected_matrix](ControlAllocation::ControlAxis::THRUST_X, actuator_idx) = thrust(0);
effectiveness_matrices[selected_matrix](ControlAllocation::ControlAxis::THRUST_Y, actuator_idx) = thrust(1);
effectiveness_matrices[selected_matrix](ControlAllocation::ControlAxis::THRUST_Z, actuator_idx) = thrust(2);
matrix_selection_indexes[totalNumActuators()] = selected_matrix;

However for some reason when I run control_allocator I get a matrix of Zeros. Can someone help me as I am not sure that it is at this level that I need to integrate my functions, or is there a better way to change dynamically the effectiveness matrix with respect to my drone which is basically an Avian Inspired with 6DOFs : Throttle / wings morphing which change the area (right & left) / tail morphing which change the area / tail pitch angle actuator / tail twist actuator.

Thanks a lot for your help it is much appreciated.