What is the difference between mavlink_scaled_imu2_t and mavlink_raw_imu_t in dataflash logs in pixhawk

what is the difference between mavlink_scaled_imu2_t and mavlink_raw_imu_t in dataflash logs in pixhawk

Hi Ahmed, I haven’t dug into it all that much, but in case this helps you, mavlink_scaled_imu2_t should have units applied to it (the scaling), and the raw values should be just that, however, pay attention to the β€œimu2”. That message is for a second IMU, (and there are also mavlink_scaled_imu_t and mavlink_scaled_imu3_t messages as well), where mavlink_raw_imu_t should be reporting back from the primary IMU.

The data contained in the message mavlink_scaled_imu_t will correspond to the primary IMU, and should be data from the same sensor reporting in mavlink_raw_imu_t.

As a note, I took a look through the mavlink streams list and it looks to be the case that mavlink_raw_imu_t is not being streamed and it also appears not to be reported elsewhere that I can see. If that is a message you require, start by looking at the streams_list array in mavlink_messages.cpp, ~line 4824 for all of the messages being streamed at present.

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thanku @mcsauder. I want to use imu values to draw trajectory of the flight. what imu values should i use from all these options?

Are these messages (scaled_imu and raw_imu) contain calibrated data ?