Qgroundcontrol mission flight mode

Hi to every one

I have QGC-Station and fly-mission-plan, when i set up all the points and I load the mission, I get the error ‘Unable to start mission (‘vehicle not ready’)’.

In other words,

I have tried position control and the drone responded quite satisfactorily using the RC transmitter. However, when I want to try fly mission mode, I can see that the GPS position is jumping even though the QGC takes up till 9 satellites, and the GPS is locked and the HDOP < 1.5 and the VDOP < 1.5.

I can chose the way points and load the program but when I want to change to mission and arm I get the error: I get the error ‘Unable to start mission (‘vehicle not ready’)’.

Do you have a clue about this :slight_smile:

Thank you and looking forward to your replay