Px4flow on ROS

I want to read some data from px4flow.

There are two nodes about it.

  1. px4flow_node (px4flow_node - ROS Wiki)
  2. mavros_extras (mavros/mavros_extras at master · mavlink/mavros · GitHub)

I have tried both, but all failed.

2 seems alternative of 1, right?

and my error when I tried 2 like this.

... logging to
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://hancheol:38345/


 * /px4flow/

 * /px4flow/conn/heartbeat_rate: 1.0
 * /px4flow/conn/system_time_rate: 1.0
 * /px4flow/conn/timeout: 10.0
 * /px4flow/conn/timesync_rate: 0.0
 * /px4flow/fcu_url: serial:///dev/tty...
 * /px4flow/gcs_url: 
 * /px4flow/image/frame_id: px4flow
 * /px4flow/plugin_blacklist: ['*']
 * /px4flow/plugin_whitelist: ['sys_*', 'comman...
 * /px4flow/px4flow/frame_id: px4flow
 * /px4flow/px4flow/ranger_fov: 0.0
 * /px4flow/px4flow/ranger_max_range: 5.0
 * /px4flow/px4flow/ranger_min_range: 0.3
 * /px4flow/startup_px4_usb_quirk: False
 * /px4flow/sys/disable_diag: True
 * /px4flow/sys/min_voltage: 4.5
 * /px4flow/target_component_id: 50
 * /px4flow/target_system_id: 81
 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.7

    px4flow (mavros/mavros_node)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [28512]

setting /run_id to 09e5319c-7035-11e7-8061-a0c5895e4d63
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [28525]
started core service [/rosout]
process[px4flow-2]: started with pid [28535]
[ INFO] [1500875876.534665498]: FCU URL: serial:///dev/ttyACM0:921600
[ WARN] [1500875876.535188625]: init: message from ASLUAV, MSG-ID 201 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535333823]: init: message from autoquad, MSG-ID 150 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535350671]: init: message from autoquad, MSG-ID 152 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535480411]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 150 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535494617]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 151 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535511087]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 152 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535528290]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 153 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535544524]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 155 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535560009]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 156 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535577567]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 157 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535593911]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 158 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535610207]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 170 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535626480]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 171 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535643347]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 172 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535659205]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 173 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535676223]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 174 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535692467]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 175 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535709494]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 176 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535725966]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 177 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535741982]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 178 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535758539]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 179 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535773473]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 180 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535789732]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 181 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535806243]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 182 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535822999]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 183 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535839505]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 184 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535856026]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 185 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.535872593]: init: message from matrixpilot, MSG-ID 186 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536004875]: init: message from paparazzi, MSG-ID 180 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536020249]: init: message from paparazzi, MSG-ID 181 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536036760]: init: message from paparazzi, MSG-ID 182 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536053112]: init: message from paparazzi, MSG-ID 183 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536069902]: init: message from paparazzi, MSG-ID 184 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536198842]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 170 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536213224]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 172 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536229353]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 173 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536245436]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 176 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536261386]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 177 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536277579]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 179 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536293641]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 180 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536309908]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 181 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536326185]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 184 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536342238]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 185 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536358028]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 186 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536374418]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 188 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536393319]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 191 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536409667]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 192 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536425885]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 193 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ WARN] [1500875876.536442730]: init: message from slugs, MSG-ID 194 ignored! Table has different entry.
[ INFO] [1500875876.536736155]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyACM0 @ 921600 bps
[ INFO] [1500875876.537102260]: GCS bridge disabled
[ERROR] [1500875876.537145908]: serial0: receive: End of file
[ INFO] [1500875876.540654514]: Plugin 3dr_radio blacklisted
[ INFO] [1500875876.540679891]: Plugin actuator_control blacklisted
[ INFO] [1500875876.540690913]: Plugin adsb blacklisted
[ INFO] [1500875876.540700125]: Plugin altitude blacklisted
[ INFO] [1500875876.540708463]: Plugin cam_imu_sync blacklisted
[ INFO] [1500875876.571751310]: Plugin command loaded
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error'
  what():  Resource deadlock avoided
================================================================================REQUIRED process [px4flow-2] has died!
process has died [pid 28535, exit code -6, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/mavros/mavros_node /mavlink/to:=/px4flow/mavlink_to /mavlink/from:=/px4flow/mavlink_from __name:=px4flow __log:=].
log file:*.log
Initiating shutdown!
[px4flow-2] killing on exit
[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete

Anybody knowing what’s the matter?

I use ubuntu 16.04, ros kinetic.

I was realized that this isn’t just about px4flow.

Same error occurs when I’m gonna use mavros package.

It seems like usb communication error, because I can use mavros when I use rf telemtery.

But I still don’t know why it isn’t working with usb…