Pixracer firmware update and connect to QGC via USB


I just got a new pixracer r12, and after updating the firmware from QGC, it doesn’t connect to QGC via USB. I was under the impression that this should be possible, but maybe I am wrong?

Sounds like the boot sequence is interrupted due to some module failing to start. This is most likely because you are trying to start a module that does not exist. Either due to a parameter that you have set (e.g. trying to start LPE when only EKF2 is available) or from a file on your SD card.

If you have a look at the serial console it should be quite apparent.

Thanks for the hints. I maybe didn’t mention that I’ve just started out, so what I have is a pixracer with no cables attached except the USB, with firmware successfully updated. The boot log looks like this, and it’s not really apparent to me what the problem is :grinning:. For example, I don’t know which errors are critical and cause the hard fault. Is mtd critical for example?

sercon: Registering CDC/ACM serial driver
sercon: Successfully registered the CDC/ACM serial driver
[i] microSD mounted: /fs/microsd
ERROR [mtd] failed to initialize mtd driver
INFO [param] selected parameter default file /fs/microsd/params
WARN [rgbled] no RGB led on bus #1
WARN [blinkm] I2C init failed
WARN [blinkm] init failed
INFO [ver] match: PX4FMU_V4
INFO [ver] match: PX4FMU_V4
INFO [dataman] Unkown restart, data manager file ‘/fs/microsd/dataman’ size is 361560 bytes
INFO [ver] match: PX4FMU_V4
WARN [drivers__boards__px4fmu-v4] reset done, 50 ms
fmu stopping
MS5611_SPI on SPI bus 2 at 3 (20000 KHz)
WARN [ms5611] no device on bus 3
WARN [bst] no devices found
INFO [ver] match: PX4FMU_V4
WARN [hmc5883] no device on bus 1 (type: 2)
WARN [lis3mdl] no device on bus 2
LIS3MDL_SPI on SPI bus 1 at 7 (11000 KHz)
WARN [lis3mdl] no device on bus 3
HMC5883_SPI on SPI bus 1 at 5 (11000 KHz)
MPU6000 on SPI bus 1 at 6 (1000 KHz)
WARN [mpu6000] unexpected ID 0x01 accepted
WARN [mpu6000] no device on bus 3
MPU9250 on SPI bus 1 at 4 (1000 KHz)
ERROR [bmi160] driver start failed
WARN [bmi055] SPI error
ERROR [bmi055] bmi055 accel driver start failed
ERROR [bmi055] unexpected whoami 0x90
ERROR [bmi055] bmi055 gyro driver start failed
BMM150 on I2C bus 1 at 0x10 (bus: 100 KHz, max: 100 KHz)
WARN [bmm150] id of magnetometer is not: 0x32
ERROR [bmm150] driver start failed
BMP280_I2C on I2C bus 1 at 0x76 (bus: 100 KHz, max: 100 KHz)
WARN [bmp280] id of your baro is not: 0x58
WARN [bmp280] bus option number is 2
ERROR [bmp280] driver start failed
ERROR [sdp3x_airspeed] reset failed
WARN [sdp3x_airspeed] trying SDP3X 2
ERROR [sdp3x_airspeed] reset failed
WARN [sdp3x_airspeed] SDP3X init fail
WARN [sdp3x_airspeed] no SDP3X airspeed sensor connected
WARN [ms5525_airspeed] trying MS5525 address 2
WARN [ms5525_airspeed] MS5525 init fail
WARN [ms5525_airspeed] no MS5525 airspeed sensor connected
WARN [ms5525_airspeed] trying MS5525 address 2
WARN [ms5525_airspeed] MS5525 init fail
WARN [ms5525_airspeed] no MS5525 airspeed sensor connected
WARN [ms4525_airspeed] init fail
WARN [ms4525_airspeed] no MS4525 airspeed sensor connected
WARN [ms4525_airspeed] init fail
WARN [ms4525_airspeed] no MS4525 airspeed sensor connected
WARN [ets_airspeed] no ETS airspeed sensor connected
WARN [ets_airspeed]…
[boot] There is a hard fault logged. Hold down the SPACE BAR, while booting to halt the system!
System fault Occurred on: 2000-01-01-00:04:22
Type:Hard Fault in file:armv7-m/up_hardfault.c at line: 171 running task: sensors

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