Pixhawk log files are .bin

So we are attempting to read log files in order to understand power consumption better. We are running into a problem where qgroundcontrol is outputting a .bin file rather than a .ulg file. This is making it impossible to use the analyzer, are we doing something wrong or has anyone run into this issue?

Are you using PX4 or ArduPilot as your firmware?
Try uploading your log file to plot.dron.ee and see if that works.

Okay so we are using ardupilot, so when we tried to use px4 commands it didn’t work (feel super dumb). But thank you this worked like a charm!

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No worries. It can be confusing and unclear.
The forum at discuss.ardupilot.org might be more helpful for you if you have other questions :wink:

i upload .ulg file not getting any output