MAVROS publishing wrong data in /mavros/local_position/pose from PX4 FCU

Hello everyone,

Context: I’m developing an autonomous drone using PX4 flight stack, MAVROS and some ROS nodes that I’m writing. The setup is: a Pixhawk (flight controller unity (FCU)) connected with a HiKey (single board computer). The Hikey is running Debian Jessie and there I installed ROS Kinetic, MAVROS and Mavproxy. All of them by apt-get commands.

Problem: When I launch mavproxy and mavros, it’s working apparently. I can send Mavlink commands and there are responses from the drone FCU. But when I run the command rostopic echo mavros/local_position/pose, MAVROS publishes strange positions. In this experiment, I didn’t move the drone at any time, but even so I received position variations in a range of 5 meters. It’s strange! I checked the diagnostic file and it showed there were 12 GPS.

Notice that in Gazebo Simulation with PX4, Mavros and mainly this topic works correctly!

Could anyone help me? If there is any information missing, ask me please!!!