Logs got deleted on their own

Hi Team,

I was using v1.5.4 of px4 for my quadcopter in + configuration. It had all the logs for one year. SDLog2 application was running on it as a default logger. Today, the logs disappeared from the sd card on their own.

What could be the possible reasons for this?

A few days back I tried switching my logger from SDLog2 to the new logger which wasnt working. I switched back to sdlog2. Could this lead to logs getting deleted in anyway?

SDLog2 didn’t have any feature to auto delete. The new logger does, but it’s disabled by default. I would suspect an sdcard problem. As a side note I’d strongly recommend you switch to the latest PX4 (soon to be v1.7.0) and the new logger. It’s significantly better for reviewing flights. https://logs.px4.io/