Local_planner_node subscribing

I have just written a publisher node and I need local_planner_node to subscribe to it how can I do that ?

@lioneleeedadad I have explained on how to do this in the issue : https://github.com/PX4/avoidance/issues/290

You need to add a subsriber inside the node. I have also pointed on where in the source code you can do it.

I tried to do that but I failed :confused: !

I made a subscriber node then tried to initialize it in local_planner_node but some errors occurred . would you give me more details about how to do that ?

@lioneleeedadad Please explain what kind of errors you had. I cannot help you as I don’t know what you did in the local_planner_node.

I am not sure what you mean by making a subscriber node and trying to initialize it inside the local_planner_node. A subscriber node cannot live inside local_planner A subscriber is not the same as a node.

You need to add a new subscriber in the local_planner_node that subscribes to the topic you want it to subscribe. In the discussion we had in the issue, I have guided you exactly where ohter subscribers are initialized inside the node.

If this is not enough, you need to understand better on how a ROS node works. You already told me that you have followed ‘All’ the ros tutorials creating a node, but still I suggest that you try and create a node that subscribes to the topic you need to subscribe. This will be a good start. Then you can try to adapt that into the local_planner_node

Hope this helps

1 Like

Thank you very much Mr @Jaeyoung-Lim I will try that

#include “ros/ros.h”
#include “std_msgs/String.h”

#include “local_planner/local_planner_node.h”

#include “local_planner/local_planner.h”
#include “local_planner/planner_functions.h”
#include “local_planner/tree_node.h”
#include “local_planner/waypoint_generator.h”

#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>

#include <condition_variable>
#include “std_msgs/String.h”

namespace avoidance {

LocalPlannerNode::LocalPlannerNode(const ros::NodeHandle& nh,
const ros::NodeHandle& nh_private,
const bool tf_spin_thread)
: nh_(nh), nh_private_(nh_private) {
local_planner_.reset(new LocalPlanner());
wp_generator_.reset(new WaypointGenerator());


tf_listener_ = new tf::TransformListener(
ros::Duration(tf::Transformer::DEFAULT_CACHE_TIME), tf_spin_thread);

// Set up Dynamic Reconfigure Server
server_ = new dynamic_reconfigure::Serveravoidance::LocalPlannerNodeConfig(
config_mutex_, nh_);
f = boost::bind(&LocalPlannerNode::dynamicReconfigureCallback, this, _1, 2);

// initialize standard subscribers
pose_sub_ = nh_.subscribe<const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped&>(
“/mavros/local_position/pose”, 1, &LocalPlannerNode::positionCallback,
velocity_sub_ = nh_.subscribe<const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped&>(
“/mavros/local_position/velocity_local”, 1,
&LocalPlannerNode::velocityCallback, this);
state_sub_ =
nh_.subscribe("/mavros/state", 1, &LocalPlannerNode::stateCallback, this);
clicked_point_sub_ = nh_.subscribe(
“/clicked_point”, 1, &LocalPlannerNode::clickedPointCallback, this);
clicked_goal_sub_ =
nh_.subscribe("/move_base_simple/goal", 1,
&LocalPlannerNode::clickedGoalCallback, this);
fcu_input_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("/mavros/trajectory/desired", 1,
&LocalPlannerNode::fcuInputGoalCallback, this);
goal_topic_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("/input/goal_position", 1,
&LocalPlannerNode::updateGoalCallback, this);
distance_sensor_sub_ = nh_.subscribe(
“/mavros/altitude”, 1, &LocalPlannerNode::distanceSensorCallback, this);
px4_param_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("/mavros/param/param_value", 1,
&LocalPlannerNode::px4ParamsCallback, this);
mavros_vel_setpoint_pub_ = nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>(
“/mavros/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel_unstamped”, 10);
mavros_pos_setpoint_pub_ = nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>(
“/mavros/setpoint_position/local”, 10);
mavros_obstacle_free_path_pub_ = nh_.advertise<mavros_msgs::Trajectory>(
“/mavros/trajectory/generated”, 10);
mavros_obstacle_distance_pub_ =
nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::LaserScan>("/mavros/obstacle/send", 10);
mavros_system_status_pub_ =
“/mavros/companion_process/status”, 1);
get_px4_param_client_ =

// initialize visualization topics

// pass initial goal into local planner

LocalPlannerNode::~LocalPlannerNode() {
delete server_;
delete tf_listener_;
void LocalPlannerNode::readParams() {
// Parameter from launch file
auto goal = toPoint(local_planner_->getGoal());
nh_.param(“goal_x_param”, goal.x, 9.0);
nh_.param(“goal_y_param”, goal.y, 13.0);
nh_.param(“goal_z_param”, goal.z, 3.5);
disable_rise_to_goal_altitude_, false);
nh_.param(“accept_goal_input_topic”, accept_goal_input_topic_, false);

std::vectorstd::string camera_topics;
nh_.getParam(“pointcloud_topics”, camera_topics);

nh_.paramstd::string(“world_name”, world_path_, “”);
goal_msg_.pose.position = goal;
void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg)
ROS_INFO(“I heard: [%s]”, msg->data.c_str());

int main(int argc, char argv)

  • The ros::init() function needs to see argc and argv so that it can perform
  • any ROS arguments and name remapping that were provided at the command line.
  • For programmatic remappings you can use a different version of init() which takes
  • remappings directly, but for most command-line programs, passing argc and argv is
  • the easiest way to do it. The third argument to init() is the name of the node.
  • You must call one of the versions of ros::init() before using any other
  • part of the ROS system.
    ros::init(argc, argv, “listener”);


  • NodeHandle is the main access point to communications with the ROS system.
  • The first NodeHandle constructed will fully initialize this node, and the last
  • NodeHandle destructed will close down the node.
    ros::NodeHandle n;


  • The subscribe() call is how you tell ROS that you want to receive messages
  • on a given topic. This invokes a call to the ROS
  • master node, which keeps a registry of who is publishing and who
  • is subscribing. Messages are passed to a callback function, here
  • called chatterCallback. subscribe() returns a Subscriber object that you
  • must hold on to until you want to unsubscribe. When all copies of the Subscriber
  • object go out of scope, this callback will automatically be unsubscribed from
  • this topic.
  • The second parameter to the subscribe() function is the size of the message
  • queue. If messages are arriving faster than they are being processed, this
  • is the number of messages that will be buffered up before beginning to throw
  • away the oldest ones.
    ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe(“chatter”, 1000, chatterCallback);


  • ros::spin() will enter a loop, pumping callbacks. With this version, all
  • callbacks will be called from within this thread (the main one). ros::spin()
  • will exit when Ctrl-C is pressed, or the node is shutdown by the master.

return 0;
void LocalPlannerNode::initializeCameraSubscribers(
std::vectorstd::string& camera_topics) {

// create sting containing the topic with the camera info from
// the pointcloud topic
std::string s;
std::vectorstd::string camera_info(camera_topics.size(), s);

for (size_t i = 0; i < camera_topics.size(); i++) {
cameras_[i].trans_ready_mutex_.reset(new std::mutex);
cameras_[i].trans_ready_cv_.reset(new std::condition_variable);
cameras_[i].cloud_ready_mutex_.reset(new std::mutex);
cameras_[i].cloud_ready_cv_.reset(new std::condition_variable);
cameras_[i].transformed_ = false;

cameras_[i].pointcloud_sub_ = nh_.subscribe<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(
    camera_topics[i], 1,
    boost::bind(&LocalPlannerNode::pointCloudCallback, this, _1, i));
cameras_[i].topic_ = camera_topics[i];
cameras_[i].received_ = false;

// get each namespace in the pointcloud topic and construct the camera_info
// topic
std::vector<std::string> name_space;
boost::split(name_space, camera_topics[i], [](char c) { return c == '/'; });
for (int k = 0, name_spaces = name_space.size() - 1; k < name_spaces; ++k) {
cameras_[i].camera_info_sub_ = nh_.subscribe<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>(
    camera_info[i], 1,
    boost::bind(&LocalPlannerNode::cameraInfoCallback, this, _1, i));
cameras_[i].transform_thread_ =
    std::thread(&LocalPlannerNode::pointCloudTransformThread, this, i);


size_t LocalPlannerNode::numReceivedClouds() {
size_t num_received_clouds = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras_.size(); i++) {
if (cameras_[i].received_) num_received_clouds++;
return num_received_clouds;

size_t LocalPlannerNode::numTransformedClouds() {
size_t num_transformed_clouds = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras_.size(); i++) {
std::unique_lockstd::mutex lk(*(cameras_[i].trans_ready_mutex_));
lk, std::chrono::milliseconds(30),
[this, i] { return cameras_[i].transformed_; });
if (cameras_[i].transformed_) num_transformed_clouds++;
return num_transformed_clouds;

void LocalPlannerNode::updatePlanner() {
if (cameras_.size() == numReceivedClouds() && cameras_.size() != 0) {
if (cameras_.size() == numTransformedClouds()) {
if (running_mutex_.try_lock()) {
// reset all clouds to not yet received
for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras_.size(); i++) {
cameras_[i].received_ = false;
// Wake up the planner
std::unique_lockstd::mutex lck(data_ready_mutex_);
data_ready_ = true;

bool LocalPlannerNode::canUpdatePlannerInfo() {
// Check if we have a transformation available at the time of the current
// point cloud
size_t missing_transforms = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras_.size(); ++i) {
if (!tf_listener_->canTransform(
“/local_origin”, cameras_[i].newest_cloud_msg_.header.frame_id,
ros::Time(0))) {

return missing_transforms == 0;
void LocalPlannerNode::updatePlannerInfo() {
// update the point cloud
for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras_.size(); ++i) {
try {
} catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
ROS_ERROR(“Received an exception trying to transform a pointcloud: %s”,

// update position

// Update velocity

// update state
local_planner_->currently_armed_ = armed_;
local_planner_->offboard_ = offboard_;
local_planner_->mission_ = mission_;

// update goal
if (new_goal_) {
new_goal_ = false;

// update ground distance
if (ros::Time::now() - ground_distance_msg_.header.stamp <
ros::Duration(0.5)) {
local_planner_->ground_distance_ = ground_distance_msg_.bottom_clearance;
} else {
local_planner_->ground_distance_ = 2.0; // in case where no range data is
// available assume vehicle is close to ground

// update last sent waypoint
local_planner_->last_sent_waypoint_ = toEigen(newest_waypoint_position_);

void LocalPlannerNode::positionCallback(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& msg) {
last_pose_ = newest_pose_;
newest_pose_ = msg;
position_received_ = true;

// visualize drone in RVIZ
if (!world_path_.empty()) {
if (!world_visualizer_.visualizeDrone(msg)) {
ROS_WARN(“failed to visualize RViz dron marker”);

void LocalPlannerNode::velocityCallback(
const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped& msg) {
vel_msg_ = msg;

void LocalPlannerNode::stateCallback(const mavros_msgs::State& msg) {
armed_ = msg.armed;

if (msg.mode == “AUTO.MISSION”) {
offboard_ = false;
mission_ = true;
} else if (msg.mode == “OFFBOARD”) {
offboard_ = true;
mission_ = false;
} else {
offboard_ = false;
mission_ = false;

void LocalPlannerNode::calculateWaypoints(bool hover) {
bool is_airborne = armed_ && (mission_ || offboard_ || hover);

toEigen(newest_pose_.pose.orientation), toEigen(goal_msg_.pose.position),
toEigen(vel_msg_.twist.linear), hover, is_airborne);
waypointResult result = wp_generator_->getWaypoints();

last_waypoint_position_ = newest_waypoint_position_;
newest_waypoint_position_ = toPoint(result.smoothed_goto_position);
last_adapted_waypoint_position_ = newest_adapted_waypoint_position_;
newest_adapted_waypoint_position_ = toPoint(result.adapted_goto_position);

// visualize waypoint topics
visualizer_.publishPaths(last_pose_.pose.position, newest_pose_.pose.position,
last_waypoint_position_, newest_waypoint_position_,
toTwist(result.linear_velocity_wp, result.angular_velocity_wp),
result.waypoint_type, newest_pose_.pose.position);

// send waypoints to mavros
mavros_msgs::Trajectory obst_free_path = {};
if (local_planner_->use_vel_setpoints_) {
toTwist(result.linear_velocity_wp, result.angular_velocity_wp));
toTwist(result.linear_velocity_wp, result.angular_velocity_wp));
} else {
toPoseStamped(result.position_wp, result.orientation_wp));
toPoseStamped(result.position_wp, result.orientation_wp));

void LocalPlannerNode::publishSystemStatus() {
status_msg_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
status_msg_.component = 196; // MAV_COMPONENT_ID_AVOIDANCE
t_status_sent_ = ros::Time::now();

void LocalPlannerNode::clickedPointCallback(
const geometry_msgs::PointStamped& msg) {
printPointInfo(msg.point.x, msg.point.y, msg.point.z);

void LocalPlannerNode::clickedGoalCallback(
const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& msg) {
new_goal_ = true;
goal_msg_ = msg;
/* Selecting the goal from Rviz sets x and y. Get the z coordinate set in

  • the launch file */
    goal_msg_.pose.position.z = local_planner_->getGoal().z();

void LocalPlannerNode::updateGoalCallback(
const visualization_msgs::MarkerArray& msg) {
if (accept_goal_input_topic_ && msg.markers.size() > 0) {
goal_msg_.pose = msg.markers[0].pose;
new_goal_ = true;

void LocalPlannerNode::fcuInputGoalCallback(
const mavros_msgs::Trajectory& msg) {
if ((msg.point_valid[1] == true) &&
(toEigen(goal_msg_.pose.position) - toEigen(msg.point_2.position))
.norm() > 0.01f) {
new_goal_ = true;
goal_msg_.pose.position = msg.point_2.position;

void LocalPlannerNode::distanceSensorCallback(
const mavros_msgs::Altitude& msg) {
if (!std::isnan(msg.bottom_clearance)) {
ground_distance_msg_ = msg;

void LocalPlannerNode::px4ParamsCallback(const mavros_msgs::Param& msg) {
// collect all px4 parameters needed for model based trajectory planning
// when adding new parameter to the struct ModelParameters,
// add new else if case with correct value type

if (msg.param_id == “EKF2_RNG_A_HMAX”) {
model_params_.distance_sensor_max_height = msg.value.real;
} else if (msg.param_id == “EKF2_RNG_A_VMAX”) {
model_params_.distance_sensor_max_vel = msg.value.real;
} else if (msg.param_id == “MPC_ACC_DOWN_MAX”) {
printf(“model parameter acceleration down is set from %f to %f \n”,
model_params_.down_acc, msg.value.real);
model_params_.down_acc = msg.value.real;
} else if (msg.param_id == “MPC_ACC_HOR”) {
printf(“model parameter acceleration horizontal is set from %f to %f \n”,
model_params_.xy_acc, msg.value.real);
model_params_.xy_acc = msg.value.real;
} else if (msg.param_id == “MPC_ACC_UP_MAX”) {
printf(“model parameter acceleration up is set from %f to %f \n”,
model_params_.up_acc, msg.value.real);
model_params_.up_acc = msg.value.real;
} else if (msg.param_id == “MPC_AUTO_MODE”) {
printf(“model parameter auto mode is set from %i to %li \n”,
model_params_.mpc_auto_mode, msg.value.integer);
model_params_.mpc_auto_mode = msg.value.integer;
} else if (msg.param_id == “MPC_JERK_MIN”) {
printf(“model parameter jerk minimum is set from %f to %f \n”,
model_params_.jerk_min, msg.value.real);
model_params_.jerk_min = msg.value.real;
} else if (msg.param_id == “MPC_LAND_SPEED”) {
printf(“model parameter landing speed is set from %f to %f \n”,
model_params_.land_speed, msg.value.real);
model_params_.land_speed = msg.value.real;
} else if (msg.param_id == “MPC_TKO_SPEED”) {
printf(“model parameter takeoff speed is set from %f to %f \n”,
model_params_.takeoff_speed, msg.value.real);
model_params_.takeoff_speed = msg.value.real;
} else if (msg.param_id == “MPC_XY_CRUISE”) {
printf(“model parameter velocity horizontal is set from %f to %f \n”,
model_params_.xy_vel, msg.value.real);
model_params_.xy_vel = msg.value.real;
} else if (msg.param_id == “MPC_Z_VEL_MAX_DN”) {
printf(“model parameter velocity down is set from %f to %f \n”,
model_params_.down_acc, msg.value.real);
model_params_.down_vel = msg.value.real;
} else if (msg.param_id == “MPC_Z_VEL_MAX_UP”) {
printf(“model parameter velocity up is set from %f to %f \n”,
model_params_.up_vel, msg.value.real);
model_params_.up_vel = msg.value.real;

void LocalPlannerNode::printPointInfo(double x, double y, double z) {
Eigen::Vector3f drone_pos = local_planner_->getPosition();
int beta_z = floor((atan2(x - drone_pos.x(), y - drone_pos.y()) * 180.0 /
M_PI)); //(-180. +180]
int beta_e =
floor((atan((z - drone_pos.z()) /
(Eigen::Vector2f(x, y) - drone_pos.topRows<2>()).norm()) *
180.0 / M_PI)); //(-90.+90)

beta_z = beta_z + (ALPHA_RES - beta_z % ALPHA_RES); //[-170,+190]
beta_e = beta_e + (ALPHA_RES - beta_e % ALPHA_RES); //[-80,+90]

printf("----- Point: %f %f %f -----\n", x, y, z);
printf(“Elevation %d Azimuth %d \n”, beta_e, beta_z);
printf("-------------------------------------------- \n");

void LocalPlannerNode::pointCloudCallback(
const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& msg, int index) {
cameras_[index].newest_cloud_msg_ = *msg; // FIXME: avoid a copy
cameras_[index].received_ = true;

std::unique_lockstd::mutex lck(*(cameras_[index].cloud_ready_mutex_));
cameras_[index].transformed_ = false;

void LocalPlannerNode::cameraInfoCallback(
const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr& msg, int index) {
// calculate the horizontal and vertical field of view from the image size and
// focal length:
// h_fov = 2 * atan (image_width / (2 * focal_length_x))
// v_fov = 2 * atan (image_height / (2 * focal_length_y))
// Assumption: if there are n cameras the total horizonal field of view is n
// times the horizontal field of view of a single camera
local_planner_->h_FOV_ = static_cast(
static_cast(cameras_.size()) * 2.0 *
atan(static_cast(msg->width) / (2.0 * msg->K[0])) * 180.0 / M_PI);
local_planner_->v_FOV_ = static_cast(
2.0 * atan(static_cast(msg->height) / (2.0 * msg->K[4])) * 180.0 /
wp_generator_->setFOV(local_planner_->h_FOV_, local_planner_->v_FOV_);

void LocalPlannerNode::fillUnusedTrajectoryPoint(
mavros_msgs::PositionTarget& point) {
point.position.x = NAN;
point.position.y = NAN;
point.position.z = NAN;
point.velocity.x = NAN;
point.velocity.y = NAN;
point.velocity.z = NAN;
point.acceleration_or_force.x = NAN;
point.acceleration_or_force.y = NAN;
point.acceleration_or_force.z = NAN;
point.yaw = NAN;
point.yaw_rate = NAN;

void LocalPlannerNode::transformPoseToTrajectory(
mavros_msgs::Trajectory& obst_avoid, geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose) {
obst_avoid.header = pose.header;
obst_avoid.point_1.position.x = pose.pose.position.x;
obst_avoid.point_1.position.y = pose.pose.position.y;
obst_avoid.point_1.position.z = pose.pose.position.z;
obst_avoid.point_1.velocity.x = NAN;
obst_avoid.point_1.velocity.y = NAN;
obst_avoid.point_1.velocity.z = NAN;
obst_avoid.point_1.acceleration_or_force.x = NAN;
obst_avoid.point_1.acceleration_or_force.y = NAN;
obst_avoid.point_1.acceleration_or_force.z = NAN;
obst_avoid.point_1.yaw = tf::getYaw(pose.pose.orientation);
obst_avoid.point_1.yaw_rate = NAN;


obst_avoid.time_horizon = {NAN, NAN, NAN, NAN, NAN};

obst_avoid.point_valid = {true, false, false, false, false};

void LocalPlannerNode::transformVelocityToTrajectory(
mavros_msgs::Trajectory& obst_avoid, geometry_msgs::Twist vel) {
obst_avoid.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
obst_avoid.point_1.position.x = NAN;
obst_avoid.point_1.position.y = NAN;
obst_avoid.point_1.position.z = NAN;
obst_avoid.point_1.velocity.x = vel.linear.x;
obst_avoid.point_1.velocity.y = vel.linear.y;
obst_avoid.point_1.velocity.z = vel.linear.z;
obst_avoid.point_1.acceleration_or_force.x = NAN;
obst_avoid.point_1.acceleration_or_force.y = NAN;
obst_avoid.point_1.acceleration_or_force.z = NAN;
obst_avoid.point_1.yaw = NAN;
obst_avoid.point_1.yaw_rate = -vel.angular.z;


obst_avoid.time_horizon = {NAN, NAN, NAN, NAN, NAN};

obst_avoid.point_valid = {true, false, false, false, false};

void LocalPlannerNode::dynamicReconfigureCallback(
avoidance::LocalPlannerNodeConfig& config, uint32_t level) {
std::lock_guardstd::mutex guard(running_mutex_);
local_planner_->dynamicReconfigureSetParams(config, level);
rqt_param_config_ = config;

void LocalPlannerNode::publishLaserScan() const {
if (local_planner_->send_obstacles_fcu_) {
sensor_msgs::LaserScan distance_data_to_fcu;

void LocalPlannerNode::threadFunction() {
while (!should_exit_) {
// wait for data
std::unique_lockstd::mutex lk(data_ready_mutex_);
data_ready_cv_.wait(lk, [this] { return data_ready_ && !should_exit_; });
data_ready_ = false;

if (should_exit_) break;

  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(running_mutex_);
  never_run_ = false;
  std::clock_t start_time = std::clock();
      *(local_planner_.get()), newest_waypoint_position_,
      newest_adapted_waypoint_position_, newest_pose_);
  last_wp_time_ = ros::Time::now();

  ROS_DEBUG("\033[0;35m[OA]Planner calculation time: %2.2f ms \n \033[0m",
            (std::clock() - start_time) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000));


void LocalPlannerNode::checkFailsafe(ros::Duration since_last_cloud,
ros::Duration since_start,
bool& planner_is_healthy, bool& hover) {
ros::Duration timeout_termination =
ros::Duration timeout_critical =

if (since_last_cloud > timeout_termination &&
since_start > timeout_termination) {
if (planner_is_healthy) {
planner_is_healthy = false;
ROS_WARN("\033[1;33m Pointcloud timeout: Aborting \n \033[0m");
} else {
if (since_last_cloud > timeout_critical && since_start > timeout_critical) {
if (position_received_) {
hover = true;
status_msg_.state = (int)MAV_STATE::MAV_STATE_CRITICAL;
std::string not_received = “”;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras_.size(); i++) {
if (!cameras_[i].received_) {
not_received.append(" , no cloud received on topic “);
if (!canUpdatePlannerInfo()) {
not_received.append(” , missing transforms ");
"\033[1;33m Pointcloud timeout %s (Hovering at current position) "
"\n "
} else {
"\033[1;33m Pointcloud timeout: No position received, no WP to "
“output… \n \033[0m”);

void LocalPlannerNode::pointCloudTransformThread(int index) {
while (!should_exit_) {
std::unique_lockstd::mutex lk(*(cameras_[index].cloud_ready_mutex_));

if (should_exit_) break;

if (tf_listener_->canTransform(
        "/local_origin", cameras_[index].newest_cloud_msg_.header.frame_id,
        ros::Time(0))) {
  try {
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> pcl_cloud;
    // transform message to pcl type
    pcl::fromROSMsg(cameras_[index].newest_cloud_msg_, pcl_cloud);

    // remove nan padding
    std::vector<int> dummy_index;
    pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud(pcl_cloud, pcl_cloud, dummy_index);

    // transform cloud to /local_origin frame
    pcl_ros::transformPointCloud("/local_origin", pcl_cloud, pcl_cloud,

    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(*(cameras_[index].cloud_ready_mutex_));
    cameras_[index].transformed_ = true;
    cameras_[index].pcl_cloud = std::move(pcl_cloud);
  } catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
    ROS_ERROR("Received an exception trying to transform a pointcloud: %s",
  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(*(cameras_[index].trans_ready_mutex_));


@Jaeyoung-Lim this is the adjusted code … there is no errors however nothing is getting printed . This code should print out “I heard …”

@lioneleeedadad Could you be more specific on your question? It is not clear what I am looking at

I’m trying to write a subscriber inside the local_planner_node however I’m not able to do that … there is no output