EKF2 External Vision withouth a GPS - what's wrong?

Hey, I am flying with an onboard vision system that estimates a UAV position according to the marker placed on the ground. The position is published to vision_pose_estimate plugin in marker frame RIGHT-FRONT-UP (ENU but the marker is not aligned with magnetic north).
My EKF2_AID_MASK is set to 1: use optical flow, 3: vision position fusion, 4: vision yaw fusion and it generally works but sometimes it rejects EKF2 yaw estimate or circles around set position.

The question is:

  1. Should I use 6: rotate external vision in EKF2_AID_MASK?
  2. Which EKF2_MAG_TYPE is for me? I have tried 4: MC custom and 5: None but I don’t understand what’s the difference. I know that it’s used in these lines: PX4-ECL/ekf_helper.cpp at 1378ec179717448404c74819871d149217350b19 · PX4/PX4-ECL · GitHub
  3. I want to fly without a mag sensor enabled but I don’t think it’s currently possible in EKF2 (it worked in LPE), is it?

@mhkabir can you help me?

were you able to solve it?

I believe it currently works as intended. We have an external vision system and no MAG calibrated.

How did you configure the ekf2 in the end?

I just set:
I am currently of the site, and can’t confirm anything, but I have param copy from a few months ago. I not sure what exactly fixed my yaw issue, but it works fine now. I remember fighting with EV delay time, reducing it to around 150 ms helped a lot.

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thank you, I will try that

I have pixhawk 2.4.8 running copter v4.3.7 firmware
Im sending mavlink vision position estimation but can’t find ekf2_aid_mask in qgc is the problem the firmware ?