DroneCore without GPS?

Hi everyone,
Is there a way of using DroneCore without a GPS? Preferably without simulated GPS data either.
I would like to be able to just set the velocity of the drone, without a GPS. I am kinda newb and I can’t find where the problem ends and begins…
If you have any ideas, please let me know.

Good question. Right now it is not possible to use the SDK without a position estimate.

I would like to be able to just set the velocity of the drone, without a GPS.

The problem is that you can’t control a velocity without a velocity estimate, and you can get a velocity estimate using either a GPS or something like VIO or flow.

If you just want to set the angle of the drone, that’s something that we could add to the SDK, however, it means that the drone will drift away slowly (or faster in wind).

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Dear Julian,

Thanks for answering so prompty. In my situation, I will likely hook up a velocity sensor (both absolute and relative) to the drone, thus I could have velocity directly. Any ideas? DroneCore seems so easy to use in comparison with the rest of PX4…

Basically I would like to control PX4 more programmatically via speed, and PX4 would be part of a bigger OS with lots of CPU power, not necessarily the Pixhawk or any of the other airframes currently listed.

If you have any tips, please let me know!
Thanks again :slight_smile:

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